Natasha Butterwick

Mindset Coach

I help women build up confidence and create joyful and fulfilled life.

Transformation starts with awareness.

Let’s get started!


Discover the power of your mind

You are a smart woman, educated, intelligent, interesting. You have a job, family and children. You are trying to juggle all your achievements and it feels like all the hats you’re wearing overwhelm you. It creates more stress and anxiety. Our modern world develops fast, social media can mount pressure on as well. On the screen you see how perfect a family can be, what an ideal body looks like, how successful people show up. It seams like you’ve ticked all the boxes but the questions pop up in your head: Why isn’t it working for me? What’s wrong with me? What’s next? Not finding suitable answers you become overwhelmed, anxious, confused and as a result stressed, exhausted. You look for an outside cause why you feel unsatisfied and miserable. You get reactive, irritated easily and frustrated with everything and everybody. It creates chaos and stress for you and people around you: your partner, your children, colleagues and friends. After an emotional storm you wake up feeling ashamed and disappointed. You don’t see and appreciate what you already have created in life.

Sounds familiar? Do you feel like you are stuck in midlife crisis? Good news is you are not lost or broken. You don’t need to be fixed and be perfect. All your feelings, good and bad, are valuable. With your brain you can create meaningful and fulfilled life right where you are now by choosing your empowering thoughts deliberately.

I can help you to manage your mind and emotions to work for you rather than against you. This skill will be available at any moment to make decisions from a place of peace and clarity. It’ll improve all your relationships and increase creativity.

Level up your life. Why wait? Make a shift now.

“Allow yourself to feel what you are feeling and be present with those emotions instead of trying to fix them”

Brook Castillo

Let’s get started

I offer private online sessions in English and Russian. Please schedule our meeting below.

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