How my journey began


I graduated with a Degree in Maths, studied History of Art, got married, had children, was managing media project, yet still, something was missing. I needed to find myself, what my call in life is, wanted to know how to handle my emotions and get rid of chaos in my life and my brain.  

I turned to self-help literature. But there was no change. I felt lost. I couldn’t find the solutions to my problems. I was constantly doubting whether I was making the “right” decision. I simply didn’t know that my thoughts were defining my experience. I thought others and the world around me needed to change for me to feel better. But that’s not possible. My dear friend introduced me to life coaching where I learnt that I can be in charge of my mind and feelings to create what I want in life. And that’s where the real power is.

Life coaching has opened up new ways to look at my potential, possibilities, to trust and believe in myself no matter what happens in the world. So I decided to be a mindset coach and help others too.

I will give you some simple, but valuable tools and concepts that open doors both inside and out for your transformation. You won’t need others to change for you to feel better. You will find answers within yourself. I did it and so can you. Start your journey now.


What People Are Saying

“The sessions with Natasha brought me incredible results in my personal life. Natasha shared techniques that helped me take action on projects I had wanted to start for several years. With her personal approach, Natasha helped me understand what was blocking me in this situation and I was finally able to complete things that I was putting off. I wish I'd discovered these techniques and tools years earlier!”

~ Polina Norina


“Natasha has had a substantial effect on my motivation, my decision making and discovering my true potential. Over the past two months, I have made the actual step toward changing my career and being much more positive in my everyday life and relationships. I found Natasha's coaching to be superb and life-changing.”

~ Iana Hunter

“Today I took a coaching session with Natalia. Before the session, I doubted that you can change your mindset in one hour. I had previously been in therapy. But coaching is about moving forward, rather than digging through past trauma, and there is a lot of energy and desire to function that remains because of that. I found my main resource - changing my thoughts. Natalia is a professional coach with flexible approaches to working with clients according to their needs. It was a very difficult moment for me at that time, I was apathetic in life. After one session with Natalia, I felt a surge of energy and strength and took action the next day. This is after just 1 session.”

~ Larissa Ferriday

Unconditional love for yourself and others is a powerful secret. It’s a gift to yourself that is available at any moment.